Photographer as Artist...
     Hello there and welcome to my photography portfolio! I'm Antonio Lanzirotti, an enthusiast portrait photographer based in the vibrant city of Chicago. So what do I mean by an "enthusiast" photographer? Well, I've been avidly photographing as a hobbyist for ... oh ... 45 years or so? When I started in photography I shot on black and white film with my bulletproof Pentax K1000. I actually still have that camera! I spent hours on end in the darkroom under the red glow of the old "safe lights," developing film, making prints, breathing in the darkroom fumes. Anyone who's ever been in a photography darkroom knows that smell, a heady aromatic mixture of acetic acid and ammonia. So all this is just to say that I don't do this professionally. My photography is a lifelong passion, I'm in love with the creation of those unique photographic works of art, if I'm lucky.
     I've been doing this long enough that over the years I've found inspiration in a slew of photographic styles and genres. On this website, though, I wanted to share with you my passion for fine-art portraiture. Most importantly, the site highlights my collaborations with a slew of wonderfully talented artists and models in the Chicago area. I've very much enjoyed working with all these talented folks to try and create some visually striking portraits that tell interesting stories and weave unspoken narratives about the subjects portrayed.
     I am constantly seeking new artistic partnerships. If you share the same passion for artistic exploration and want to join forces to create something remarkable, please don't hesitate to reach out using the contact link at the top of this page. Again, I'm not trying to make a living or generate income from my photography. I do have a day job that I love and which brings me just as much joy as my photography does. That being said, if you want to buy me a coffee to help support my "right-brain" activities there's a link below.
Thank you once again for visiting my page.
Antonio Lanzirotti
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